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(Hybrid 2022 updated version) TransLantau by UTMB® Route Guide (1) TransLantau 100

(Hybrid 2022 更新版) TransLantau by UTMB® 路線攻略(一) TransLantau 100 - Cam2

Samson Lam |

TransLantau, which has a history of 10 years, has now been upgraded to (Flying the Island by UTMB®) TransLantau by UTMB®, and will be held for the first time in 2022 under the name of the UTMB® World Series competition in the Asia-Pacific region. In response to the epidemic situation, the competition will be changed to virtual Running style is held.

TransLantau by UTMB® (TransLantau by UTMB®) is one of the largest long-distance cross-country running events in Hong Kong. The event is held in the most distinctive suburb of Lantau Island in Hong Kong.

TransLantau by UTMB® Hybrid 2022 has 3 distances: Translantau 100 Hybrid (103 kilometers), Translantau 50 Hybrid (54 kilometers) and Translantau 25 Hybrid (25 kilometers) .

We will introduce and analyze each route one by one, so that everyone can achieve the best preparation no matter in training or virtual running competition.

The event date is from October 28 to November 18, 2022. Participants who have registered can start at any time during this period. There will be no conference signs along the way. Participants can follow the map in the LiveRun. The conference recommends Participants use the mobile app LiveRun or Strava program, and participants must use a GPS device (watch or other applications) to verify the race performance and route. Participants must take a selfie with their number bib at several designated card slots and upload it to LiveTrail.

This year's competition, all races start and end at Galaxy Garden, Mui Wo.

Now we are the first to introduce the Translantau 100 Hybrid group, which is both difficult and challenging.

Translantau 100 has a total length of about 103 kilometers, a total climb of about 5024 meters, a time limit of 34 hours (must be completed at one time), and 7 check-in positions.

  • Mui Wo starting point (0km)
  • Entrance to Chi Ma Wan Country Trail (9km)
  • Shuangshi Waterfall (located at Tsing Lung Rock Stream, South Lantau Country Trail) (16km)
  • Phoenix Peak (22.2 km)
  • Yaying Mountain Observation Deck (43.5 km)
  • Ngong Ping Rescue Trail (64.5km)
  • Dadongshan (92 km)
Participants can find the check-in location on the google map on this page.

The route is divided into 10 sections, and now we will analyze the points that should be paid attention to in training and competition in each section.

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

Strava map

GPX file download

(1) Mui Wo – Nam Shan (Distance: 11.8 km)

The race will start at Yinhe Garden in Mui Wo , go along Mui Wo Township Road and Nanshan Ancient Road to Nanshan, after arriving at Nanshan, head towards Baifutian Mountain, connect with Phoenix Trail, go straight along Section 12 of Phoenix Trail, and then turn to The trails of Ngugu Wan and Shilang New Village, after arriving at Shilong New Village, connect back to Phoenix Trail along Chi Ma Wan Road. Afterwards, we will climb to the top of Daniu Lake (Baifutian Mountain), and after starting to descend, we will return to Nanshan.

Except for the two climbs to Mount Baifutian, this section is mostly flat gravel and dirt trails, just as a warm-up for the competition.

Participants are required to take photos at the starting point of Mui Wo and the entrance of Chi Ma Wan Country Trail (9km).

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(2) Nanshan - Ngong Ping (distance: 13.3 km)

This section has a long distance and a large climb, and it is the most difficult section in this competition. Therefore, it is recommended that all participants have enough supplements for this section before moving forward. This section will start from Nanshan along the South Lantau Country Trail to Pak Kung Au, then follow the Phoenix Trail to the top of Phoenix Mountain, and then descend to Ngong Ping.

The first section of the South Lantau Country Trail, about 7 kilometers away, is dominated by dirt roads with small fluctuations, but a small part of the dirt road is slightly rough, so pay more attention when running. After passing Pak Kung Au, you will follow Fenghuang Trail Climbing to the highest point of the competition, Phoenix Mountain, starting from here, the entire section is an ascending section, but the slope is acceptable, but the downhill section after the top of the mountain is relatively straight, and some of the classes are also higher. So be careful when going down the mountain.

Due to the long distance, participants are advised to arrange relatives and friends to provide support and supplies at Pak Kung Au , so that there is enough replenishment before starting to climb Phoenix Mountain.

Ngong Ping is where it is usually easier to find supplies for the entire route, so it is necessary to supply enough supplies before proceeding.

Cam2 runbase will provide luggage storage and support services at Pak Kung Au on November 5th and 12th, please click here for details.

Participants are required to take photos at Shuangshi Waterfall (located at Tsing Lung Rock Stream on South Lantau Country Trail) (16km) and Fenghuang Peak (22.2km).

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(3) Ngong Ping - Gou Ling Chung (Distance: 9.9 km)

This section starts from Ngong Ping, along the Fenghuang Trail, connects the Qiangshan Country Trail to the No. 3 checkpoint of the Gou Ling Chung diversion channel. There are many downhill sections in this section, and the consumption of physical energy should be small. At the same time, due to the low difficulty, this section can also be used as a recovery.

After starting from Ngong Ping, you will follow Ngong Ping Road and Sham Wat Road, and go down the slope to the arch of Fenghuang Trail on Qiangshan Road. Then enter the mountain trail. This section is mainly a relatively natural mountain trail. Then climb up to Guanyin Mountain and Qiang Mountain. The ascent is not too big. It reaches the position connected with the Qiang Mountain Country Trail. Go down the mountain along the Qiang Mountain Country Trail to Gouling Chung.

(4) Gou Ling Chung – Tai O (Distance: 12.7 km)

This section starts from Gou Ling Chung, passes through the diversion channel of about 1.5 kilometers, and then turns back to the mountain trail. It is a medium-distance (about 2 kilometers) climbing section, and then it will be at a high place, and the relatively flat section , after passing Wanzhangbu and Yaying Mountain, go down the mountain to the coastal path near Tai O, and then you will arrive at the Tai O checkpoint.

Since we have completed 47 kilometers to reach Tai O, and the transportation and food arrangements to Tai O are also convenient, if you have relatives and friends to support you, Tai O will be a good choice.

In addition, participants may consider the luggage storage support in Tai O on the designated day of the conference.

Participants are required to take photos at Yaying Mountain Observation Deck (43.5 kilometers).

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(5) Tai O - Sham Wat (Distance: 7.4 km)

This section is the easier section of the entire race. After leaving the checkpoint at the Buddhist Fai Ho Memorial Secondary School, the participants will pass through the streets and alleys of Tai O. During training and road testing, they may pay more attention to GPX to avoid mistakes. road. After leaving Tai O, follow the Dong O Ancient Road to Shen Qu Village. Most of the road is a mixture of dirt roads and gravel roads.

There are many soldiers in Shenqu Village, and they can go to supply supplies for training and competitions.

(6) Sham Wat – Ngong Ping (distance: 15 kilometers; climb: 805 meters)

This section is the longest section of the entire race, so please start at Shenqu with sufficient supplies. The first 7 kilometers of this section will continue along the Dong'ao Ancient Road. Concrete roads are the main ones, most of which are flat, combined with some short and dark slopes. There are many people passing through Sha Lo Wan Village, and supplies can also be carried out.

After that, we will turn to the Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail. Since we have reached this location, we have completed about 60 kilometers, and our body has been exhausted. The climbing section of the Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail and the wooden stairs of the Ngong Ping Plank Road has a relatively high climb rate. , will be a big challenge. In addition to paying attention to physical strength, you should also pay attention to weather changes.

After arriving at the Mai Leshan Turn Station, you will turn to the Mai Le Mountain Country Trail, and the road section will become relatively flat. Although some sections of the road are slightly rugged, you still have to pass about 5 kilometers to reach Ngong Ping.

Ngong Ping is where it is usually easier to find supplies for the entire route, so it is necessary to supply enough supplies before proceeding.

Participants are required to take photos at the Ngong Ping Rescue Trail (64.5 kilometers).

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(7) Ngong Ping – Shui Hau (distance: 11.7 km)

This section is mainly downhill and flat. After leaving the Ngong Ping Checkpoint, it will continue downhill along the Shibi Country Trail which is about 5 kilometers long. After arriving at Shek Pik, turn to Section 9 of Fenghuang Trail, head towards Luo Kei Wan to Shui Hau, and this section turns into a relatively flat road.

Shuikou Village has Shido, which can be replenished here.

(8) Shuikou – Bogongao (distance: 7.7 km)

Starting from Shui Hau Village, you will continue to follow the Phoenix Trail, and after a short climb, you will reach the waterway. After passing through the waterway for about 3 kilometers, you will connect with the South Lantau Country Trail, and then you will go through another cross-country section with moderate ascent , it will turn flat, and finally it will reach Bogongao.

(9) Bogong'ao - Baimang (distance: 10.4 kilometers; climb: 568 meters)

This is the last challenging section of the entire route. Participants start from Bogong’ao, climb up the Dadong Mountain along the Fenghuang Trail, reach Shuangdong’ao, turn left to the direction of Lianhua Mountain and Poran Mountain, and finally go down the mountain and pass through Baimang Village. You will arrive at Ngugulang.

Due to the large ascent and descent in this section, please reserve enough energy before starting.

There is a Shido in Baimang Village, which can be considered for replenishment during training and competitions.

Participants are required to take photos and check in at Dadongshan (92 kilometers).

(Image credit: TransLantau by UTMB)

(10) Pak Mang - Mui Wo (distance: 4.6 kilometers; climb: 184 meters)

When the participants arrive here, it can be considered that the end is in sight, because there is only the last section that is not difficult. After leaving the checkpoint at Pak Mang, you will follow the Hong Kong Olympic Trail to the rain shelter at Mong To Au, turn left and go up the hill, pass through Wo Sheung Au and Heng Tong Village, and arrive at the end point in Mui Wo.

Stay tuned as we continue to share other TransLantau by UTMB® routes.

TransLantau by UTMB® Route Guide (2) 50km and 25km

TransLantau by UTMB®






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