We are going to analyze the 50Km and 25Km categories. Those are not difficult course. They are well fit for novices, and runners enjoy speed.
TransLantau50 have check points, and divided into 5 sections. We will explain what we need to aware during the race or training. The total distance is 50.5 Km with about 2337Metres elevation gain. There are large portion of comparatively section, and elevation gain is not big.
The race will start at 9:00AM. Most of the participants will finish before dark. Even a participant cannot finish before at night, most of the time on the race will be at day time.
(Source: TransLantau by UTMB)
(Source: TransLantau by UTMB)
(1) Mui Wo – Chi Ma Wan (Distance: 10.1Km, Elevation gain: 447m)
Race will start at Silvermine Beach. The first 3 Km will follow Lantau Trail section in reverse direction. It will turn into trail in the direction of Ngau Kau Wan and Shap Long San Tsuen. It will then follow Chi Ma Wan Road, which is flat. Then it will turn to Chi Ma Wan Country Trail, and goes up Temple Crag, and goes down the check point at Shap Long Reservoir. The elevation gain to Temple Crag is not big and also on early part of the race. It is not difficult to handle.
Please notes that support team is not allowed at the check point at Kau Ling Chung. Participants only have support from organizer.
(2) Chi Ma Wan – Pui O (Distance: 13.7Km, Elevation gain: 442m)
After leaving check point at Chi Ma Wan, it will follow the Chi Ma Wan Country Trail. It will then turn to the direction to Pui O Beach. After passing the Pui O Beach, it will be the check point. This section is comparatively flat, but the distance is long. Please makes sure you have drink or eat enough before leaving check point at Chi Ma Wan. Stores are available at the Pui O village. You can get supplies from the stores for the training or recce. You can also take the bus to leave if it is necessary.
(3) Pui O – Pak Kung Au (Distance: 11.5Km, Elevation gain: 598m)
After leaving the check point, it will go on the Chi Ma Wan Road, and connect back to Lantau Trail. It will go up a small hill, Tai Ngau Wu Peak, which is not difficult. Then the route will go down to Nam Shan. After crossing the road at Nam Shan, it will follow the South Lantau Country Trail to Pak Kung Au.
For the first 4Km, it includes small up hill and down hill on Tai Ngau Wu Peak. For the next 7Km on South Lantau Country Trail, it is mainly trail with minor up and down. However, please be aware part of trail is little bit rough. Participants should be careful when run on this section.
(4) Pak Kung Au – Pak Mong (Distance: 10.2Km, Elevation gain: 644m)
This is the most difficult section on this course. It will follow the Lantau Trail to the Sunset Peak. After reaching Sheung Tung Au, it turns left to Lin Fa Shan and Por Kai Shan. Then it will go down hill to via Pak Mong Village to the check point near Ngau Kwu Long.
Participants can get support from store in Pak Mong Village.
(5) Pak Mong – Mui Wo (Distance: 4.6Km, Elevation gain: 206m)
Once participant reach this section, the remaining course is easy. After leaving the check point, it will follow The Hong Kong Olympic Trail and left run for uphill to Mong To Au Shelter Pavilion. After passing Wang Tong, it will the finish at Mui Wo.
TransLantau25 is an entry level course. It is not a difficult course. It will not be problem for most trail runners if have adequate training in advance.
The total distance of TransLantau25 is 26Km. Elevation gain is about 885metres. It will have 2 check points, and divided into 3 sections.
(Source: TransLantau by UTMB)
(Source: TransLantau by UTMB)
(1) Mui Wo – Chi Ma Wan (Distance: 7Km, Elevation gain: 259Metres)
Race will also start at Silvermine Beach. The first 3 Km will follow Lantau Trail section in reverse direction. It will turn into trail in the direction of Ngau Kau Wan and Shap Long San Tsuen. It will then follow Chi Ma Wan Road, which is flat to Shek Long Reservoir for the check point. This section is mainly on flat trail or concrete narrow path.
(2) Chi Ma Wan – Pui O (Distance: 9.4Km, Elevation gain: 261Metres)
After leaving check point at Chi Ma Wan, it will go to the direction of Lung Mei, and then connect back Chi Ma Wan Country Trail. It will then turn to the direction to Pui O Beach. After passing the Pui O Beach, it will be the check point. The elevation gain for this section is similar to last section. Stores are available at the Pui O village. You can get supplies from the stores for the training or recce. You can also take the bus to leave if it is necessary.
(3) Pui O – Mui Wo (Distance: 9.5Km, Elevation gain: 365Metres)
After leaving the check point, it will go on the Chi Ma Wan Road, and connect back to Lantau Trail. It will go up a small hill, Tai Ngau Wu Peak, which is not difficult. Then it will follow Lantau trail back to the finish at Mui Wo River Silver Garden.