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SALOMON越野跑精英培訓班 - Cam2

Samson Lam |




SALOMON越野跑精英培训班将由SALOMON Elite Team总教练林成业(火车Sir)担任主教练及设计课程。通过选拔成为培训班学员,可免费参加为期6星期(原价$3000)的培训课程,更获得SALOMON提供的价值超过$3000的越野跑装备(包括上衣、裤及鞋),以作训练及比赛之用。

学员更有机会被邀请成为SALOMON Elite Team成员,享有SALOMON提供的全面支援,与其他队员一起挑战本地及海外越野跑比赛。


  1. 完成填写报名表格
  2. 年满18岁
  3. 10公里最佳完成时间(男子:45分钟内、女子:50分钟内),需上载提交证明(显示你的姓名比赛纪录截图或个人Strava时间纪录截图)
  4. 出席2023年8月11日之选拔活动,并通过甄选程序,合乎标准,方可参与。

报名: https://forms.gle/TM2svDGdNGKif58n8


选拔日期:2023年8月11日晚上7:00 (地点容后公布)

** 已报名之参加者将于2023年8月3日或前将透过电邮/Whatsapp收到选拔详情。取录结果会于2023年8月18日或前向参加者发出。


平日课:2023年9月8、15、22日、10月6、13日(星期五)、9月25日(星期一) 晚上7:15-9:00 (地点待定)

周日课:2023年9月10、17、24日、10月1、8、15日(星期日) 早上8:30-中午12:00 (香港各处山径)

主教练林成业Thomas Lam(火车Sir)资料:

*SALOMON Hong Kong运动员及Elite Team总教练






*美国瑜珈导师(Yoga Alliance USA RYT-200)



*24小时赛耐力赛, 达「国家级运动员水平」


查询: 5115-6668 (Whatsapp)

** SALOMON Hong Kong保留挑选的最终决定权。

** 参加者必须遵守教练及工作人员指示。主办单位保留在不另行或事先通知情况下,取消参加者资格权利。

** 入选之参加者需在开课前缴付$2000装备按金,出席率超过80%将会在培训班结束间后退回按金。

【SALOMON Elite Trail Running Training Class】

An opportunity to explore your potential, and help you to become an elite trail runner and winner

SALOMON aims at raising the level of Hong Kong trail running, promoting the popularity of trail running, and improving the skills of elite trail runners by organizing training class.

SALOMON Elite Trail Running Training Class is now launched. Professional training plan from SALOMON will be provided to raise the ability of elite runners, and help to prepare for SALOMON Hong Kong Trail Series starting in October 2023 in order to get excellent results.

Thomas Lam will be the head coach and course director of SALOMON Elite Trail Running Training Class. Selected participants can join the 6 week training programme free of charge (original price $3000), and get SALOMON trail running gears value over $3000 (including tops, shorts , and shoes) for training and competition.

Selected participants may also be invited to be SALOMON elite team members, which can get full support from SALOMON, and participate in local and overseas races with other team members.

Participation requirement:

1. Complete the online application form
2. Age 18 or above
3. 10Km personal best: Under 45 minutes for men, Under 50 minutes for women (Participant needs to upload race record or screen capture of personal Strava record as proof)
4. Attend the Selection Session on 11 August, 2023. Participants must meet selection criteria in order to be selected in the training course.

Registration: https://forms.gle/TM2svDGdNGKif58n8

Registration Deadline: 1 August, 2023

Selection Date: 11 August, 2023 7:00PM (Venue to be confirmed)

** Registered participants will receive details about selection on or before 3 August via WhatsApp/email. Result of selection will be informed on or before 11 August, 2023
Training Date and Time:

Weekday Class: 8, 15, 22 September 6, 13 October (Friday) 25 September(Monday) 7:15 - 9:00PM (Location to be confirmed)
Weekend Class: 10, 17, 24 September, 1, 8, 15 October (Sunday) 8:30am - 12:00pm (Trail in Hong Kong)

Information about Head Coach Thomas Lam:
*SALOMON Athlete and Elite Team Head Coach
*Experienced Marathon, Ultramarathon, Trail Runner
*First Hong Kong 100 miles race Champion
*Finished Hong Kong Oxfam Trail Walker in 11 hours 58 minutes
*IAAF International Level 2 Athletic Coach
*HKAAA Level 1 Athletic Coach
*Yoga Alliance USA RYT-200 Instructor
*Hong Kong Coaching Committee Level 1 Sports-General Theories Coach
*AASFP Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer
*National Athlete Level for 24 hour Endurance Race
*Founder and Coach of Thomas Station

Enquiry: 5115-6668 (Whatsapp)

** SALOMON reserves the final decision of selection.
** Participants must follow the instructions of the coach and staff. Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant with or without notice.
** Selected participants need to pay the gear deposit of $2000 before training starts. The deposit will be refunded if the attendance of participants is over 80%.

